To address both the physical and spiritual needs of the people in our city by meeting our unhoused neighbors where they are and demonstrating that they are valued and cared for.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To promote the restoration of community in and uphold the dignity of our neighbors experiencing homelessness in Downtown Denver.

Homelessness is an issue all across America, but it’s especially bad here in Denver. Since 2016, there has ben a 74% increase in homelessness, resulting in 9,677 people without stable housing in the Denver metropolitan area as of 2025.

Homelessness in Denver also has a high human cost, particularly in deaths by drug overdose and violence. While overall deaths declined slightly from 2023 to 2024, suicide deaths more than doubled, highlighting a growing mental health crisis. Overdose remained the leading cause of death despite a slight decrease, and homicide deaths also saw a small decline. The Downtown Denver area is one especially impacted by homelessness.

You can see a live count of our neighbors experiencing homelessness in the Denver metropolitan area here.

Homelessness in Denver, CO

At Neighbors, we believe in meeting people where they are—literally and figuratively. Our mission is simple: to remind our unhoused neighbors of their inherent dignity by offering presence, support, and care.

We listen to their stories, share meals, and provide essentials—not just to meet immediate needs, but to show they are seen, valued, and loved. Every conversation and interaction is a chance to restore hope by pointing our unhoused neighbors towards the One who loved them first and loves them most, through our genuine love for them as brothers and sisters.

While our faith fuels our work, Neighbors is for everyone. We’re here to build bridges, foster understanding, and bring the Denver community together—one relationship at a time.

Want to be part of it? There’s a place for you here.

What We Believe

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31